California Based Film Production Studio
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Durango Effect partners with R/GA Portland to "Ask What If" a global campaign for Hurley. It stars Durango's own Craig Stecyk, Carissa Moore, & John John Florence in the respective habitats.

R/GA Portland and Durango Effect expanded the 'Alpha' Concept and worked to unify the 'View From A Blue Moon' film, and Hurley brand identities.  Durango was handed the 'Ask What If' verbage and handled creative and production for the visual piece below.  VO: CR STECYK.  Big thanks to Ryan Hurley and Greg Teal on this one. 

'ASK WHAT IF' Features 2016 World Surfing Champion John Florence, 3X Womens World Surfing Champ Carissa Moore, and iconic artist CR Stecyk.  'Ask What If' continues  Stecyk's and durango work on the Print Room concept, moving the printing press to the desert, where Stecyk is famously found working in isolation. John Florence in his second home of Tahiti and Carissa Moore at home on the South Shore of Oahu.